K-12 Math Courses
FINALLY-- online math courses designed specifically for dyscalculia!
Neurodivergence is not an afterthought, it's built into the framework.
What in the world is dyscalculia?
Dyscalculia is a Specific Learning Disorder that impacts math. Dyscalculia occurs mainly in the parietal lobe of the brain, usually with visual-spatial or working memory issues. People with dyscalculia…
Have it for life.
Forget basic math facts.
Forget the math they’ve learned.
How do you say it?
Engineers and people who've taken Latin say it like this: dis-cal-COOL-ee-uh.
Some people say it like this: dis-calc-you-LEE-ah.
Most people get as far as saying, "dis-calc-ee......" and then trail off. However you say it, make sure you're talking about it!
Classroom support for dyscalculia includes:
Objects to count with (K-2nd grade)
1 to 100 chart (1st-3rd grade)
Multiplication List (not the chart!) (3rd-5th grade)
Calculator (5th-Graduation)
Extended time (All grades)
Learn more about dyscalculia accommodations on our YouTube channel.